Monday, September 14, 2009

New House!

So, there have been a lot of changes in our lives since I last blogged... In August we bought a house in Alexandria where my husband Seth works as a firefighter. We really wanted to own a home instead of renting, so we started house hunting. After a decently long search, we found it... I immediately fell in love with the yard... not so much the house, but I think it has great potential. :)
So, long story short... we bought it, moved out of our rental and into Seth's parents house temporarily while we work on the house. It's going to be a long process, but we are SO excited and hopefully we can make a lot of progress before a hard Indiana winter falls upon us. Oh and did I mention Seth just started a year long intensive paramedic program, and that I am finishing up my degree? Needless to say, we have a crazy hectic year ahead of us... but... we are so thankful for our many blessings!

Meet our new neighbor, he is obsessed with the mirror we tore out of our (soon to be fabulous) bathroom.

Friday, February 27, 2009


Typically, when I hear about something sad that has happened, I have a tendency to picture myself in the same situation and imagine how I would feel. I have always done this to some extent but lately it has almost been a subconscious reaction. Sound terribly morbid? Probably... a part of me thinks that there is no point to making myself go through those emotions when I may not even know the person. And yet... I wonder if more people actually let themselves feel what others are feeling, to actually empathize with them, we might see more people reaching out and helping those in need, those who are hurting and broken. I wonder if we would think about our own problems less and focus on the needs of others more. The lack of empathy in our society is frightening to me... and not to sound cliche, but how much have television and movies contributed to the desensitization of our culture? Why is it that we don't even flinch when we see unspeakable acts of murder and violence on our televisions?

All I know is that however painful it may be, I don't want to lose my compassion... I still want to feel the pain of someone else's loss, I want to cry with those who are hurting and bear the burdens of those that need His healing. Why? Because I want to be as close to God's heart as I possibly can, I want to be broken with the things that break His heart. I want to see people through His eyes. Without compassion, there is no motivation to take action, no motivation to make a difference in the lives of others. It's more than simply feeling a momentary twinge of emotion, true compassion implores us to go beyond our comfort zones and give of ourselves.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. The second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself. There is no commandment greater than these." Mark 12:30-31